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A detailed program showing the allocation of presentation slots to the participants is available here (pdf).


Please bring your powerpoint or pdf presentation (the tile allocated for each presentation is 15 minutes, with 5 minutes changeover time) on a USB-Stick. Alternatively you can send your presentation per email to udg2011.cartography@univie.ac.at if the file size is less than 10MB. A WINDOWS 7 computer with Office 2007, sound and internet connection will be available. Apple computer users will need to provide their own computer and adaptor cable. (Note: you may like to include a power adaptor if you are travelling from outside Austria.)

There will be ample time for discussion after all presentations in your session are completed. We will have just one combined question time at the end of each session, rather than at the conclusion of each individual presentation.  This has been done so as to promote discussion related to the session topic in general. We want to make sure that you can gather input on specific issues related to your research projects. In preparation for these discussions we will provide printed handouts of the abstracts to the group at the commencement of the workshop.

There will also be time for short live demos of applications and the showcasing of maps or posters outside the normal presentation time, which we strongly encourage you to bring along.

Outdoor activities

We plan to get out and explore the nature of the Austrian Alps using snowshoes on the Tuesday afternoon. The idea of this event is to encourage mutual discussions and bilateral communication in an inspiring atmosphere. Rental equipment will be at your disposal in Puchberg.  On Wednesday there will be a second outdoor activity timeslot.  On this day there will be the possibility for skiing, sledging or hiking in the near vicinity of the hotel. Furthermore you can enjoy the comfortable sauna/spa/pool area of the hotel or take some exercise walking in the nearby vicinity.

Please don’t forget to bring warm clothing, gloves, cap and sturdy waterproof shoes as well as swimwear for the indoor pool.


Working Group Cartography and Geoinformation Sciences

Department of Geography and Regional Research
University of Vienna

1010 Vienna
Universitätsstraße 7
Staircase III, 1st floor

T: +43-1-4277-48659
Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien | T +43-1-4277-0